Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Pahabol sa summer: Princess del Leonor Resort Hotel Kiamba

Summer is basically from april to may. And June is pahabol sa summer. Hehehe. 

Since June 12 is a holiday, my friends and I decided to spend it at Macalipay beach resort aka Princess del Leonor hotel resort, Kiamba, Sarangani Province (which is just 1-2 hours away from General Santos City). 

During the trip, I really have high expectations of the beach scenery and the resort because of the pictures I have seen in their facebook page. However, when we got there it was so crowded. As such, the already hot temperature, coupled with the number of people plus the not so well ventilated area of the cottages (which are situated very near each other), made me disappointed with the place. Also, their comfort/shower rooms are few (I think I waited for an hour just to relieve myself). 

Moreover, the beach area is not clean. There are a lot of things which cluttered the shore and the water has a lot of floating trash. (I think it is because of its proximity to the residence of the locals). Which is why, I strongly suggest that the management should resolve these concerns since the guests are also here for the beach and its activites like the banana boat and flying fish (I did not like the thought of falling in the water with those"yellow submarines" floating about harhar).

Still, it does have a saving grace. And it is its hotel and pool area which are very clean, elegant,and inviting. 

If asked if I will come back here? I'd say maybe if it is improved. 

How to get there: 

From bulaong terminal general santos you can ride a van bound for kiamba, sarangani province. Just tell the driver that your stop is at Princess del Leonor.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Water Gran Summer 2015

— Unknown

This summer, our company held its annual summer outing at watergran resort located at barangay bawing, general santos city.  

Although I don't recommend that you swim in the sea (the water is oily since it is near a ship yard) nor walk barefoot in the beach (there are shards of glass, various pieces of metals & other debris), the place is still nice and wonderfully landscaped. Also, the swimming pools are flowing and the mini manmade falls is just great (the management does not scold you if you perched atop the stone for picture taking or enjoying the fall of the waterat your back hehe). Furthermore, they also have mini fishponds and videoke (3 songs for 5php) to sing your heart out.
Added to that, he place is not noisy and not bustling with so much people. Since it is  sort of  an exclusive style, you have to have first paid a reservation fee since walk ins are not allowed. Moreover, they do not allow bringing softdrinks otherwise a corkage fee of 150/case is chargedAlso, the restrooms are passable  in a sense that you have to choose the cubicles wisely since they are not all functioning (and no warning is posted at the door) and some locks are broken. And by the way, the cottages are sort of dilapidated especially the screened ones which are sort of horror looking. But those which are near the pool area are okay.All in all, if asked if i will go back to this place for the summer, i would still say yes. Their pool is really nice and if there are more people to share the required entrance fee, then the cost is reasonable.

How to get there:You can ride a tricycle from kimble plaza to water gran. The price is usually 30-50 php for a chartered ride(pakyawan). Their rates:Entrance fees Daytime minimum rate 1,800php for 30 persons. If above, 60 per head Overnight minimum rate 2,550php for 30 persons. If above 85 per head
Open cottages ranged from 400-1,350Airconditioned cottages ranged from 1,200-1,600 phpThey also have a dormitory room which is 350/head for a minimum of 10 persons

Thursday, April 23, 2015

family reunion (^_^)

Last April 18,2015 at E.Yasay Beach, Opol, Misamis Oriental we celebrated the 1st grand reunion of my father's family. Hehehe and as always, I was feeling "floating" due to lack of sleep. Hahas You see, I jumped off from gensan at 7:20pm  friday night (it was the last trip to Davao and good thing my boyfriend was with me because if not for him I may not have made it because of the number of passengers who are also bound for Davao city). Subsequently, I arrived at davao at around 11pm where the last trip bound for Cagayan de Oro was almost full which is why my seat is at the backmost portion aka the make-my-head-dizzy seats portion of the bus (but I am glad though that I catched up with it otherwise I'll be stuck at the terminal until 3am (^-^) hehehe). I finally arrived home at around 9:45am. As such, it is not surprising to have the floating feeling, the black eyebags and of the big yawns every now and then.

At the reunion, I was shocked by our number. I thought there were only a few of us but I was wrong. I have a lot of relatives and the kids way back then are now grown ups (literally taller than me hehe) and they even have started their own family. I also met my uncles and aunties together with their sons and daughters, in-laws and grandchildren (for the 1st time) who are based from Butuan. And because of our number, E.Yasay beach resort became exclusively for us :)

me & my sis

We also have our own customized shirts for the event..hehehe..the aqua blue shirts have our own name printed on it. A brilliant way don't you think to identify each of us without the need of name tags. Plus the names on the shirts clearly states who owns it and when laundered together, it will not get mixed up.


The food were a plenty and soooo yummy. Each family contributed either financially or foodfully hahas you know what I mean. And as always,  the lechon babz and chicken are present together with spaghetti, lumpia and other food stuffs. And for dessert, salad and bico. hehehe I think every one had BH or bring home food ;)

let's dance dance dance
Hmm..the reunion really was a blast. There were presentations from each family and there were lots of games for the old and the young. I especially like the biko eating contest, beer drinking contest (using a straw) and longest line where ALMOST every one are down to their underwears (the kids were stripped naked hehehe). The "bring me" game was also fun. And the attendance raffle is sooo thumbs up because everyone got a prize.

But what I love the most is the bonding and catching-up part of the family. The eternity of the familial bond that connects everyone is alive. The blood that runs through our veins that no matter how many generations may pass and no matter where we are in the world, is the same in a dynamic kind of way. The genes that were passed to us by our forefathers make us similar yet different. And I can say that the theme/caption of the family reunion really embodied that.

my family (insert brother here)

"Family is like the branches of the tree, we may grow into different directions yet our roots remain as one"

And, I really really really hope there will be another reunion next year and every year after that ;)

opol, misamis oriental sunset beach

Monday, April 20, 2015

pinakalit na laag sa malinao, kalilangan, bukidnon

9:05PM 04-01-2015 (holy wednesday)

 I was cross stitching and thinking what to do with the long weekend. Then, I thought, what if I spend the holy week at my bestest best friend forever(bbff)'s house in Malinao, Kalilangan, Bukidnon since I basically had nothing to do but sleep,eat,watch tv/anime/muvee, repeat. And so, I instantly texted her. However, her reply came at 7 the following morning. I computed the travel time from general santos to davao (3-4hours), davao to maramag (3-4 hours), maramag to kalilangan (1-2 hours) and kalilangan to malinao (roughly 30 minutes). So bottomline, it will be dark when I arrived. Plus, the last trip from maramag to kalilangan is unknown and I really do not want to travel by van since I do not feel secured with its safety measures. And, because I will be travelling alone to a place I have never been before, I told her that I will travel to their place on Black Saturday  since bus operations are suspended on Good Friday.

Holy Thursday and Good Friday passed by and finally Black Saturday came. And as early as 4AM, I was already awake, alive and enthusiastic (char) hehehe. Just kidding, I almost backed-out actually because 4AM was still really dark and the streets are lonely. Only a few people and tricycles are passing by. But, thinking of the disappointed faces of my bbff and her parents as well as my officemate (who I also texted since she went home to Kalilangan for the Holy week),  I decided to push through and just prayed to God to cover me with his mantle of protection and to keep me and my fellow passengers safe from harm.

On the way to davao, a kid who was sitting at the back of my chair, became "sea sick" and vomitted on my seatmate and me (imagine the horror on my face). I blurted "EEEEEEW" and almost vomitted myself because of the smell. I immediately washed the vomit with alcohol but still the smell remained and so I decided to remove my jacket even though it was very cold. Good thing though, davao was only over an hour away. But during the remainder of that bus trip, I got "chicken-skinned" and prayed more that the bus be magically transported to my destination.

I arrived at Davao terminal just in time to catch the bus bound for Maramag. The trip was ok, no vomitting kids (whew!) and although I had no jacket, I did not feel cold because of the shining sun. However, I felt numbed in my hands and almost fainted because of hunger. You see, since I was hospitalized 2 years ago because of gastritis, my stomach has never been the same. Which is why skipping meals is a no-no. And when the bus driver finally stopped for lunch, I immediately went out, fell in line at the karenderia and order bulalo/nilagang baka or something with hot sabaw. Unfortunately, that food is for the driver only (ooow). So, I chose humba instead and thank God that my stomach did not rebel.

When I arrived at Maramag terminal, I texted my bbff what bus to ride since what was available at that time was a bus to Kibawe or a bus to Wa-O. She told me to ride the Wa-O bus and to just tell the bus driver/conductor that my stop is Kalilangan. This is a new place to travel for me so my eyes were wide open looking and enjoying the passing scenery. And what a view it is, there are vast fields of either rice, pineapple or sugar cane, several canopies of trees (forming an arch on the road), clear skies with passing clouds of different shapes and sizes. Unfortunately, I was unable to take pictures because i get dizzy everytime I try.

I finally arrived and my bbff together with her mom, met me at the bus terminal. After that, we had lunch and then we rode their multicab to get to Malinao. On the way there, more views greeted me albeit the nasty road. Still, the ride was fun.
brgy.malinao photo by lanipang :)

We arrived at Brgy. Malinao. And my first impression is that it is really a place for some R&R.  You can really breathe in the fresh air unlike that of the city. And you can also feel the calmness of the place. Added to that, it has this rustic look with its trees, hills, roads and the over all feel of the place. There are also a lot of fruits trees and my bbff's parents made me bring a lot for pasalubong.

Hehehe.. ;)

PS: On the way back to General Santos City, we made a side trip to Overview, Bukidnon

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

meet & greet sonia francesca ;)


March 22, 2015. Sunday. KCC Mall of Gensan

Badump badump tadan tadan badump badump tadan tadan

T'was the sounds my heart made while i was falling in line for MY first book signing..hahahas. Anyway, because this is an opportunity that rarely come by, I decided to buy several books for me and my friends (since there is as yet no Precious Pages in Cagayan de Oro and therefore so little chance for them to have it signed). Oh yeah! Hehehe And you know what? The experience really felt surreal and silly yet amazing. For the first time, my pocket book was signed  and I just hug one of my most favorite Filipino writers :) hehehe (another check on my bucket list).

Hmmm..I started reading tagalog pocketbooks(pbs for short) when I was in highschool. However, because of the melodrama theme, I stopped. It has just become so OA. I thought that all tagalog pbs are like that (hasty generalization mode here hehe). Good thing though, my bbff (bestest best friend forever) convinced me to try reading the Stallion Riding Club (SRC) series written by Sonia Francesca and Sofia. Since then, I became a fan. Their works really are interesting and fun. They made me rethink of my previous misconception about tagalog pbs over melodrama theme. Which is why, I decided to collect their works. And meeting them in person became a part of my bucket list.

Which is why, I really recommend that you try reading their books especially if you like anime, happy endings & not-so-melodrama theme :) And to help you with that, here is a list of  some of the titles/series written by Sonia Francesca I have copied from this site: http://en.wikipilipinas.org/index.php/Sonia_Francesca . 

Oh! By the way, the titles in blue are those which are in my collection and those which are underlined are my favorites :)

Precious Hearts Romances
  • Kissing Miss Wrong
  • Matters Of The Heart
  • My Lord Ace
  • Love At Second Sight
  • Love, Lies, And Alibis
  • Dear Lies
  • Hey, Gorgeous
  • Once And Again
  • The Way You Love Me
  • Accidental Hearts
  • Captain Of My Heart
  • Goldilocks And Her Prince
  • My Sweetheart Cherie
  • I Do… Take Two
  • Birubiruan Ng Puso
  • Si Ma’am At Si Mr. Heartthrob
  • I Love You Todo-todo, Walang Hinto, Walang Preno
  • Missent
  • Back To Your Heart
  • Option 5: Love Me, My Darling Enemy
  • Send In My Prince Charming
  • Love Comes Knockin’
  • Let Me Call You Sweetheart
  • The Love Charm
  • The Love Next Door
  • I Hate You Because I Love You
  • Palagay Ko Mahal Kita
  • Bad Case Of Loving You
  • Don’t Mess With My Love
  • I Love You, I Love You Not... I Love You A Little, I Love You A Lot
  • Funny Valentine
  • Something Like Love
  • Exclusively Yours
  • Hooked On A Feeling
  • This Certain Feeling
  • Trust Me Your Heart
  • Crazy Little Thing Called Love
  • Loving Faust
  • Paint My Heart
  • Catch Me I’m Falling For You
  • Maybe You’re My Love
  • Wake Up, Pretty Little Heart
  • Return To Love
  • Tell Me When To Love You
  • Wandering Heart
  • Addicted To Love
  • For The Love Of Julie
  • For The Love Of Myla
  • Hello Love... Once Again
  • Let Me In Your Heart
  • For The Love Of Hellene
  • Take My Love
  • Just Like Before
  • Stolen Kisses
  • Two Sweet Kisses
  • A Kiss in the Rain
  • Kiss and Tell
  • Kissing Mr. Wrong
  • Love Story

Billionaire Boys Club Batch 1 (Indie Series)
  • Treize de Cordova
  • Randolf Emmanuel Fontanilla
  • Juanito ‘Yeoji’ Buenzalido
  • Denniz Serrano
  • Zech Marquez
  • Lantis Nakago

Billionaire Boys Club Batch 2 (Indie Series)
  • Silvanus Arellano
  • Vincent Noblejas
  • Vash Illustre
  • Rex Lagdameo
  • Ken Arboleda
  • Rath Lagdameo

Los Caballeros (Indie Series)
  • Basta Para Sa’yo
  • Simply Meant To Be
  • Pustahan Tayo, Mahal Kita
  • My Love, My Hero
  • Guilty Of Loving You
  • I Love You And It’s All Right
  • My Girl

Golden Hearts (Indie Series)
  • Here’s My Heart
  • Romancing Cupid
  • Crazy For This Girl
  • Her Own Prince Charming

Rancho Estate (Indie Series)
  • Gusto Kita Noon, Crush Kita Kahapon, Love Kita Ngayon
  • Walang Matimtimang Puso Sa Makulit Na Pag-Ibig
  • Love In A Jiffy
  • My Grumpy Amore
  • Kissing Cupid
  • Sleeping Angel
  • Reed In My Heart
  • A Tender Lovin’ Dr. Raizen
  • Rachel’s Sweet Surrender

Skylander Series (Collaboration with Sofia)
  • Jet Lee And His Secret Heart
  • Rui Of The Dark Night (Sofia)
  • Rohann, Heart of the Raging Storm 1 (Sofia)
  • Rohann, Heart of the Raging Storm 2 (Sofia)
  • Aki in the Mist
  • Arwen’s Skyland Heart
  • Michael James (Sofia)
  • Charming Neo
  • Sapphire, Mystic Moonlight (Sofia)
  • Kristoffer Carlo, The Highland Devil (Sofia)
  • Klein, Kiss of Dawn (Sofia)
  • Fawna, Summer Breeze (Sofia)
  • Leonard, The Wild Wind (Sofia)
  • Dashielle, Wolf’s Rain (Sofia)
  • Raphael, Sunset Shadow 1 (Sofia)
  • Raphael, Sunset Shadow 2 (Sofia)

Stallion Riding Club Series Batch 1 (Collaboration with Sofia)
  • Jubei Bernardo
  • Eneru Vilasis
  • Gino Santayana (Sofia)
  • Hiro Hinata (Sofia)
  • Reigan Baltazar
  • Neiji Villaraza
  • Yue Anthony Zheng (Sofia)
  • Gabryel Honasan (Sofia)

Stallion Riding Club Series Batch 2 (Collaboration with Sofia)
  • Brad Crawford
  • Rodjan Sta. Maria
  • Kai Montezor
  • Yozack Florencio
  • Zell Zapanta
  • Emrei Rafiq (Sofia)
  • Romanov Cuerido (Sofia)
  • Jason Erwin Dean (Sofia)
  • Crawford Oreña (Sofia)
  • Kester Mondragon (Sofia)

Stallion Riding Club Series Batch 3 (Collaboration with Sofia)
  • Philippe Jacobs (Sofia)
  • Eiji Romero (Sofia)
  • Rolf Guzman (Sofia)
  • Beiron Rafiq (Sofia)
  • Reichen Alleje (Sofia)
  • Reid Alleje 1 (Sofia)
  • Reid Alleje 2 (Sofia)

Stallion Riding Club Series Batch 4 (Collaboration with Sofia)
  • Pipo de Vera
  • Johann Cristobal (Sofia)
  • Daboi Bustamante
  • Gianpaolo Aragon (Sofia)
  • Angelo Exel Formosa
  • Thyago Palacios (Sofia)
  • Icen Villazanta
  • Hayden Anthony Ilano (Sofia)
  • Rozen Aldeguer
  • Joziah Gatchalian (Sofia)
  • Cloud Montañez
  • Eizhiro Figueroa (Sofia)
  • Zairo Montevedra (Sofia)
  • Hans Cervantes
  • Baxter Saavedra
  • Mark Ashley Camello (Sofia)
  • Danrick Tezzoro (Sofia)
  • Ricos Caderao
  • Richard Don Robles (Sofia)
  • Lee Shin Yang
  • Myco Gosiaco 1 (Sofia)
  • Myco Gosiaco 2 (Sofia)
  • Reiven Alleje (Sofia)
  • Ian Jack Salmentar
  • Trigger Samaniego 1
  • Trigger Samaniego 2
  • Jigger Samaniego 1
  • Jigger Samaniego 2

Stallion Riding Club Revisited (Indie Series)
  • Jakob Dylan Arenaz
  • Ruki Takizawa
  • Devon Fabriquer
  • Laud Sandejas
  • Rain Elizondo
  • Rushmore Forteza

'Calle Pogi Series (Collaboration with Keene Alicante)
  • Buwi
  • Waki
  • Lian (Keene Alicante)
  • Makisig (Keene Alicante)
  • Haru
  • Matt (Keene Alicante)
  • Sage (Keene Alicante)
  • Ryu
  • Drei (Keene Alicante)
  • Bucho

My Love My Hero (Imprints)
  • Heero

Harlequin Mills and Boon (Translations)
  • Delivered: One Family by Caroline Anderson
  • Getting Red-Hot With The Rogue by Ally Blake (as Sumire Villegas)
  • Dating the Rebel Tycoon by Ally Blake (as Sumire Villegas)
  • The Billionaire's Contract Wife by Penny Jordan (as Sumire Villegas)

Stallion Island Series (Sofia)
  • Misha Santoros
  • Jayson Alden Arcena
  • Yzaak Argoncillo
  • Leigh Armaund Lopez
  • Chrome Venitio
  • Jairon Vince Yun
  • Alessandrace Sandejas
  • Torque Lopez III
  • Warren Li
  • Julian Veron Yun
  • Draco Montague
  • Noah Ames Munieca
  • Slade Villacorta
  • Zachary Fontana
  • Cody Lance Santillia

The Floral Collection
  • Kissing Miss Wrong
  • Matters Of The Heart
  • My Lord Ace
  • Love At Second Sight
  • Love, Lies, And Alibis
  • Dear Lies
  • Hey, Gorgeous
  • Once And Again
  • The Way You Love Me

My Special Valentine (as Marion Grace)
  • I Love You Anyway

Chapters Of The Heart (as Cherie Lei)
  • Loving Alucard
  • Back To You
  • I Love How You Love Me
  • Guardian Of My Heart

PS: here is  pic of Sonia Francesca's note to me (hopefully she'll greet me in one of her books or make me her heroine..aiyeee.hehehe)

Friday, March 27, 2015

twenty seven at twenty seven (27@27)

Hmmm..so it is now a month since my "momentous birthday".

The time when finally my birthdate corresponds with my age - a milestone in my life. And, there were many wonderful surprises too. My mom, thru my officemate, send not only gifts (couriered by lbc) but also a celebration. We had lunch at the office (with balloons, birthday cake and lots of foods). We had dinner at Bigby's where the staff gave me a sort of ice cream cake (idk what it's called actually) while singing the bday song(imagine my face with mixed emotions while they were singing). Also, my bestest best friend forever (bbff) send me her gifts at various dates (naks! Hehehe)

Anyhoo, it is now time to evaluate what I have accomplished so far vis a vis the goals I have set when I was younger. The "envisoned me" vis a vis the "present me" at 27.

1st: anime vs "real" people

When I was younger, I thought that when I reached 27, I will no longer be addicted to anime. That my preference will change to "real" people or events like teleserye or news. However,  such is not the case. I still love anime. Although I am not reading manga now as often as I did back then, (because of the lack of time considering the gazillions of cases and provisions I have to read, memorize and understand), but when I do have the time and have access to the net, I read and download anime. Hahahas :)

2nd: maturity

What is maturity?

According to Mr. Webster, maturity is the state of being mature (having or showing the mental and emotional qualities of an adult).

At this age, I have envisioned myself of being one. A person capable of making decisions which are logical and practical based on different circumstances. And, I can say I have matured. Why? Because my decisions are not solely based on my feelings and emotions anymore. I am more considerate and give more thought to others when making these decisons since it does not affect only me but also them. Hehehe Also, the advises I give are now with more depth than before because of the various experiences I have gained and that is where I get my "wisdom". Moreover, I now have bills to pay unlike before since it was my parents who take care of such things back then.  

3rd: relationship status

Hehehe. Let us face it. I am not getting any younger anymore. And although I look younger than my age, still, the fact that I am now 27 cannot be ignored. The biological clock is ticking and though my maternal instincts are not yet awaken, the genes which are supposed to be passed on the next generation is now ripe (char!) So anyway, when I was younger my thoughts were that at this age my relationship status would either be engaged or married. However, I am neither. But don't get me wrong for I am not disappointed or sad or pressured or stressed or any other negative feeling or emotion. I am just ME me. I think I am just at that point where I want to let things just unfold on their own time-no stress or pressure but just trust in the plans HE has for me.

4th: travel plans

My travel plans are soon to be realized!hehehe My bbff and I have already booked our plane tickets for cebu and boracay. So, hopefully, God will lets us :) *crossed fingers*

5th: wealth/earnings

My expected salary is not met, but I am reallu thankful that I am employed. And that,  as of the moment, I am now at 60% of my target tcd amount..yehey.. hehehe  I really pray to God that it will grow more :)

6th: education

I just have to finish my thesis and I will finally have my Masters Degree :) hehehe Initially, my plans did not include law studies until 30 but it is great that I had already started it earlier. And when I resume, it will be my 3rd year already..So AJAH!

7th: Bucketlist

Hehehe I am glad that most of them had already been checked which is why at the start of 2015, I already updated it ;)

All  in all, although what I wrote in my yearbook is soooo far from reality today since I wrote there my 3Cs which means: car,cafe and condo. As my bbff pointed out,  I already have my 3Cs: cordova(my bf's sutname), career and continuing edudation. Being positive is the key. And our plans, though they change from time to time, they still guide us towards a direction (hopefully toward God's plan) Nonetheless, what is important is that we have plans. As my professor in graduate studies said "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail".

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Expenses tracker

he he he he

My Chinese friend gave me his extra planner this year.
 (I actually asked it from him after seeing what he has done with his) hahahas

 You see, during class, I was curious what he was doing not listening to the professor. And he told me na "gapangita ko ug kwarta". I was intrigued. It was then that he showed me that he was listing his expenses..tracking them. Because of this, I became inspired to do the same. Especially since my horoscope has this to say:

"The Spanish have a saying, 'ahorra dinero,' which means having money by saving. Where the year of the Horse was about upping the ante, financially, this year's wood aspect draws wealth from other pursuits. The richness in a Wood year comes from sunsets and laughter, as opposed to fine clothing and luxury automobiles. Therefore, it would be wise to keep your money in a safe place, and not spend too freely this year."

my expenses tracker 2015
    So, I must save up. I also still have an upcoming travel to look forward to where money will be needed to finance those adventures, rides and pasalubongs. 

 As such, it really is a nice way to control my finances so that I will know where my money has gone. And it is very effective because now, I am conscious on how much to spend and where to spend it. Which is why I highly recommend that you do the same :)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thesis or Law?..hmmm..maybe both?

Hi ;)

Life really is not a straight road which you can see what is ahead for it is full of bends & curves.

Today, one of my classmates in graduate school successfully completed his final thesis defense and with just a few revisions, he will finally have his masters degree this coming graduation! I am really happy for him because now we have 2 "Masters" in our barkada. I hope I will have my masters degree next year too (...or else I will have to repeat school).

Hmmm...you see, I have learned that my subjects will be frozen if I don't enroll in thesis writing next semester; contrary to the information given to us 2 years ago which states that it will not be frozen if we apply for graduation after accomplishing the necessary academic units. Now, however, I will have to stop (temporarily,i hope?!) in law school because of this. Otherwise my investment in graduate studies will be moot. I also do not like repeating subjects I already passed because it is costly & time consuming.

So, as I always say to myself, AJAH!

Enjoy the challenges that may come. Be happy with the decisions you make. And, most importantly, pray to God for guidance and claim that this summer I will conceptualize a topic and the "how-tos" to successfully defend my thesis and obtain my masters degree next year ;)

Mini notes 03-08-2015