Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thesis or Law?..hmmm..maybe both?

Hi ;)

Life really is not a straight road which you can see what is ahead for it is full of bends & curves.

Today, one of my classmates in graduate school successfully completed his final thesis defense and with just a few revisions, he will finally have his masters degree this coming graduation! I am really happy for him because now we have 2 "Masters" in our barkada. I hope I will have my masters degree next year too (...or else I will have to repeat school).

Hmmm...you see, I have learned that my subjects will be frozen if I don't enroll in thesis writing next semester; contrary to the information given to us 2 years ago which states that it will not be frozen if we apply for graduation after accomplishing the necessary academic units. Now, however, I will have to stop (temporarily,i hope?!) in law school because of this. Otherwise my investment in graduate studies will be moot. I also do not like repeating subjects I already passed because it is costly & time consuming.

So, as I always say to myself, AJAH!

Enjoy the challenges that may come. Be happy with the decisions you make. And, most importantly, pray to God for guidance and claim that this summer I will conceptualize a topic and the "how-tos" to successfully defend my thesis and obtain my masters degree next year ;)

Mini notes 03-08-2015

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